
The Power of Email Marketing in 2024

The Power of Email Marketing in 2024

What is email marketing?

Email marketing means sending ads or newsletters to a bunch of people through email. It’s a type of digital marketing. Its purpose is to nurture customer connections, advertise products or services, enhance brand recognition, and ultimately boost sales. Through email marketing, you can directly engage your intended audience with customized and pertinent content. It’s a cost-efficient method, easily measurable, and offers valuable insights for evaluating the success of campaigns.

For nearly as long as the internet has been in use, marketers have utilized email as a channel. In 1978, the inaugural marketing email generated $13 million in sales. (Source)

General Email Marketing Statistics:

General Email Marketing Statistics
  • One out of every two media planners utilizes email marketing, and this year, it’s expected to expand further, with 22% planning to employ it for the first time. (Source)
  • Projections suggest that email marketing revenue will almost reach $11 billion by the conclusion of 2023. (Source)
  • Right now, there are 4 billion people who use email every day, and this number is expected to increase to 4.6 billion by 2025. (Source)
  • Each day, over 306 billion emails are sent and received. (Source)
  • 64% of small businesses employ email marketing as a means to reach their customers. (Source)
  • Regarding budget allocation, 37% of brands are increasing their investment in email marketing, while only 1.3% are reducing it. (Source)
  • The key tactics for achieving success in email marketing campaigns include dividing subscribers (78%), customizing messages (72%), and implementing automated email campaigns (71%). (Source)

In terms of frequency, 33% of marketers send weekly emails, while 26% send emails multiple times per month. (Source)

Email Marketing Benefits:

  • With a global user base exceeding 4.3 billion, email provides an ideal platform to connect with your customers.
  • As of 2022, the return on investment for email stands at an impressive $36 for every dollar spent.
  • According to our Marketing Trends survey, 51% of marketers regard email marketing as the most effective channel.
  • Looking ahead to 2023, 53% of marketers are maintaining their investment in email marketing, while 33% are increasing their budget for it.
  • Regarding frequency, 33% of marketers send weekly emails, and 26% send emails multiple times each month. (Source)

Email Marketing Demographics:

  • Almost every email user, around 99%, checks their inbox daily, and some even do so up to 20 times a day. Among these users, 58% make checking their email the first thing they do in the morning. (Source)
  • Additionally, a substantial 84.3% of consumers report checking their emails at least once every day. (Source)
Email Marketing Demographics
  • In the United States, 35% of survey participants have two email addresses, and 28% possess more than four. (Source)
  • On average, consumers dedicate about 10 seconds to reading brand emails. (Source)
On average, consumers dedicate about 10 seconds to reading brand emails
  • 40% of consumers claim to have a minimum of 50 unread emails in their inbox. (Source)
  • In the United States, email stands out as the primary way consumers discover coupons from brands. (Source)
  • Recognizing the sender is the most crucial factor influencing the decision to open an email, closely followed by having the time to read it. (Source)
  • The average bounce rate across all industries is 9.96%. (Source)
  • Among Millennials, 59% primarily use their smartphones to check emails, while 67% of Generation Z prefers mobile inbox scanning. (Source)
  • When it comes to personal communication from brands, 74% of Baby Boomers consider email the most personal channel, followed by 72% of Gen X, 64% of Millennials, and 60% of Gen Z. (Source)
  • To enhance accessibility in their emails, marketers prioritize writing short, descriptive subject lines, ensuring links and buttons are easy to spot, and keeping paragraphs concise and straightforward. (Source)

How can email marketing tools be utilized to captivate your audience?

Email marketing offers the following capabilities:

  • Informing consumers about new products and services.
  • Disseminating industry events and business news.
  • Notifying consumers of contests and promotions.
  • Promoting blog content.
  • Guiding consumers through the sales funnel.

Are you in search of optimal email marketing tools for your business? Navigating the realm of email marketing and selecting the most suitable software for your business requirements can be challenging.

Explore the best three email marketing tools of 2023 to enhance your digital marketing strategies.

email marketing tools

Active Campaign:

Active Campaign is the ultimate email marketing tool, combining a user-friendly interface with comprehensive analytics. It’s a one-stop solution for marketing, sales, and service professionals. With affordable plans, it enables users to pinpoint successful campaigns through A/B testing and simplifies digital marketing efforts with automation.

Additional features of Active Campaign include:

  • A collection of eye-catching pre-designed email templates.
  • Event tracking to send personalized messages based on specific consumer interactions.
  • An automated sales CRM that prioritizes leads and tracks every interaction. (Source)


MailChimp stands out as one of the most popular email marketing platforms for good reason. Packed with a variety of features, this digital marketing application helps build and engage audiences while effectively converting leads into sales. With four pricing plans catering to growing businesses and 24/7 customer support, MailChimp is a trusted choice for major brands.

Additional MailChimp features include:

  • Advanced segmentation for targeting the ideal audience in each email campaign.
  • Automated marketing campaigns to reconnect with potential clients or consumers.
  • Real-time performance tracking, capturing delivery statistics, open rates, click-through rates, and more. (Source)


HubSpot covers all bases, supporting both the sales and marketing aspects of your business. Achieve sales targets faster with lead management software, ad tools, and pipeline management features. Email marketing tools contribute to a lasting return on investment and aid in cultivating meaningful consumer relationships.

Additional HubSpot features include:

  • Comprehensive marketing reports consolidating email campaigns, social media, and Google analytics in one location.
  • Email workflows for automating tasks and sales processes.

Content optimization ensures best SEO practices, improving your Google Ranking consistently. (Source)

Types of Email:

Businesses can execute many forms of emails that can help them achieve various goals and effectively communicate with their audience. Let’s take a deeper look at each of these:

Types of Email

Welcome Emails:

When you join an email list, the first message you receive is a welcome email. Its job is to introduce the brand, set expectations, and kick off a positive relationship from the start. A friendly greeting, a quick intro to the company, and a thank-you note are typical parts of these welcome emails. (Source)

Promotional Emails:

Sales emails aim to promote specific products, services, or special deals with the main goal of boosting revenue and conversions. They often include discounts, limited-time offers, new product releases, seasonal promotions, or exclusive deals for subscribers. The goal is to use engaging language and visuals that capture recipients’ interest and motivate them to take action. (Source)

Abandoned Cart Emails:

These emails are sent to shoppers who put items in their carts but left the website without finishing the purchase. The goal is to recover lost sales by reminding users about their abandoned carts and convincing them to complete the transaction. Abandoned cart emails often include a reminder of the items left behind, a clear call-to-action to return to the website, and sometimes, an incentive like a discount or free delivery to encourage making the purchase. (Source)

Re-engagement Emails:

Re-engagement emails are sent to subscribers who haven’t been active or responded to previous emails. The aim is to capture their attention and motivate them to return. To entice inactive subscribers, these emails may offer special deals, personalized recommendations, or exclusive content. They also allow customers to customize their preferences or frequency settings to suit their interests better. (Source)

Transactional Emails:

Transactional emails, such as purchase confirmations, shipment alerts, password resets, and account changes, primarily share transaction-related information. However, they also offer companies an opportunity to strengthen their brand, offer additional product recommendations, or seek customer feedback. These emails typically have a high open rate and can be utilized to enhance engagement and explore cross-selling opportunities. (Source)

Event-based Emails:

Event-based emails are triggered by specific occasions or milestones in a subscriber’s journey, like anniversaries or membership milestones. They enable the sending of personalized emails containing special offers or exclusive prizes. These emails help organizations create a sense of celebration and appreciation among their subscribers, fostering a positive connection. (Source)

Survey or Feedback Emails:

Survey or feedback emails are sent to subscribers to gather insights, thoughts, or comments. These emails can be valuable for market research, product development, and understanding client satisfaction better. To motivate subscribers to participate, businesses often offer incentives like discounts or entry into a raffle, boosting engagement and generating valuable feedback. (Source)

Newsletter Emails:

A newsletter email is a regular message sent to subscribers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. It typically contains helpful and interesting content about the brand or industry, such as articles, blog posts, curated material, industry news, product updates, and special offers. These emails help maintain subscriber interest, establish brand authority, and foster long-term partnerships. (Source)

Apply Your Email Knowledge: 

Several of the provided data points can support your argument for dedicating additional time and resources to your email marketing strategy. Feel free to revisit this post as needed or begin implementing them in your upcoming campaigns.

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